Travelling with Diabetes

Travelling with Diabetes

Travelling with type one diabetes can take a little bit more preparation and for some can be quite a daunting experience. So I thought I would share a few of my diabetes travel essentials.

Letter from your doctor/nurse

Travelling through security with extra liquids and needles can raise red flags, so it's always important to carry a letter from your medical professional to give you permission to carry your diabetic supplies. I carry mine in my passport holder so it's always with me and I don't forget it. I also take a copy of my prescription just in case.

Portable charger

Nowadays using our phones as Dexcom receivers and Freestyle Libre scanners along with checking Instagram can drain our batteries so I always carry a portable charger with me. A lot of airports and even airplanes have charging ports these days so even if you don't have a portable charger, it's always worth taking a charging cable for your phone and medical devices.

Medical Device Awareness Card/Hidden Disability lanyard

Did you know there are protocols in place to make travelling with invisible illnesses and medical devices easier? Check out my blog post here to find out all about the Medical Device Awareness Card and Hidden Disability Lanyard. Accessories for the sunflower lanyard can be found here.

Spares, spares and more spares

I must admit, I end up taking way more than I need to when I am travelling. But I get so anxious that I won't have enough supplies. You can never have too much right? I usually take at least 4 times everything!

Spare pump/ write pump settings down

A lot of pump companies offer holiday loaners (check with your pump provider) Omnipod UK just require you to call up in advance of your trip, the more time the better, and let them know your travel dates. Then they will send you a spare pump just in case anything should happen whilst you are away. If you have an Omnipod, like me, then you can contact Insulet about their Holiday Loaner Programme here

Anytime I change my insulin ratios or basal rate I always take a photo on my phone and save it to my cloud, that way if anything were to happen to my pump, I would still have access to my settings. It's a good idea to write the pump settings down when your travelling, just in case.

Omnipod Cover from Pump Peelz

Diabetes Travel Companions


If you haven't heard about the MedAngel, this device is the perfect travel companion. This little device connects with your phone and keeps track of the temperature of your insulin to make sure it is at its optimal temperature. I usually pop my insulin in the insulated compartment of my Myabetic bag and use the MedAngel to make sure that it is kept at the right temperature.

Vial Safe Protector

Ever dropped your insulin vial? Please believe, I am the clumsiest person and drop things regularly. The Vial Safe Protector is one of my favourite diabetic accessories. It's a rubber sleeve that fits perfectly over your insulin vial to protect it from breakages! A diabetes travel must!

Disclaimer: Vial Safe and MedAngel were both gifted to me in exchange for a review on my Instagram. However all thoughts are my own and I wasn't paid to share them in this blog post.

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